Ssd help

Hi guy's i was just wanted to know if i get an ssd do i have to restart my windows 8.1 and redownload all my games or do they all stay in the hard drive? thanks for the help

That depends:

If you are just going to use the SSD as a boot drive then no. You can leave your games on that HDD and just install your OS to the SSD.

If you are going to move everything over then yes of course you will need to download everything.

If the SSD's big enough, you can make a full copy of your current drive. Kyle did a good video on this a while back.

If you wanted to free up space on the SSD after moving everything over, you could copy some games over into a new Steam directory, delete them in your library, and tell Steam to download it to the location you copied it to. Then Steam will see the files and you won't have to download them again.

thank you very much

thank you