In length; it broke when I was using a mod patcher for Skyrim. Rig locked up and crashed, and when it came back, the SSD was acting funky. I couldn't access files on it, I couldn't move new files on to it. Fortunately, I could move files off of it, so I did that, and then started a reformat. However, when I started one, my computer crashed again. Now, I can't do anything with it. Reformatting gets stuck, even if I delete and re-do everything about it. And if I leave it plugged in for longer than a short while, it crashed my computer.
Is there anything I can do, or is it screwed? Google is not helpful.
Only thing that I can think of trying is reformatting it from a different OS and seeing if that works. Windows is pretty testy in my experience. A live disk would be great, or it would be amazing if you had a dual boot/linux pc to throw it in. Getting a live CD up and running isn't hard though, if you don't. You could start thinking about sending it back to the manufacturer if it is still under warranty. You should go ahead and contact them and see what they say.
do you have an external USB to sata dock? or something similar? when my physical HD was not detecting cause it was dying i was able to grab all my files off of it by connecting it to a usb -2- sata docking station i had.
Make a live CD. It really isn't hard and there are tons of tutorials about how to do it. Hell, but burn the Ubuntu iso to a disk and tell it to "try first". That will accomplish it.
My Intel 320 SSD (also 2011 disk) got the infamous 8 MB bug and I searched the internet for a solution.
Intels solution was to update the firmware, that didn't work for me becorse limitations in other hardware (only having a laptop sucks).
What did work for me was formatting it using UBCD (not the newest verion as it is said not to work properly on ssd), I had to try a couple of times before I found the right distribution and tool. Ended up not using the disk erasers that came directly on the CD but go through Parted Magic and using Secure Erase. After reboot the SSD was ready to use again. Istalled Ubuntu on it and no further problems the past six months.
Hope this helps, I can't remember any more details then this.