SSD Caching

Hi Guys

I just ordered a 64GB SSD because it was on a ridiculous special

I want to use it to set up SSD caching so that it takes all of my most accessed files and puts them on the SSD and thereby speeds up my PC. Will this also cause my PC booting times to be super fast?

How do I set up SSD caching? Im a total noob, so please explain slowly and clearly lol.



What motherboard do you have?

Its about 4 years old :(


Thats a shame. With nothing like a SRT feature on that board you dont have any caching options. 

For boards like yours - this is the best way to go about ssd caching. Maybe you could try and swap it for one or something.

Otherwise my advice would be to start fresh, install Windows on the ssd, and if there is a game or two that you play frequently maybe that as well. (one can use a tool like steamover to relocate game files with ease).

Is 64gb enough though? Mostly I recommend 90gb+ for a windows OS drive, personally I have a 128gb SSD loaded with win7 and a few utilities and programs, and it filled up awfully quick.

he was talking about using it for caching.

i think @deejeta is right.
start fresh or you can just but games in the ssd so they will be fast to load. 

Deejeta suggested installing windows on the SSD, my comment was to him.