Hiya. As some may already know, I recently bought an SSD, the Samsung 840 Evo. And since I am completely new and oblivious to SSD technology (yes I know they have been out for years), I was hoping that someone here could fill me in on the do's, don'ts, tips and tricks.
So basically the advice I am looking for, is how to get the most out of my SSD and to make it last.
I was also wondering about the pagefile. Would it be best to keep an appropriately sized one on the SSD, or move it to the mechanical drive/SD?
The only real thing I can think of is don't defragment SSDs. They dont need it and it will only decrease their life. So make sure windows does not have any scheduled defragment times.
Other than that, use the SSD for you programs and apps, store your downloads/media/etc on a mechanical dirve if you have one.
Samsung offers their own software as a add-on for their SSDs which can handle all the firmware updates performance levels, TRIM ect. Samsung Magician is what they call it I think. That does all the things you need.