Squadron 42 Delayed Indefinitely, Kotaku's Star Citizen Series

I learned my lesson a long time ago.... don't pre-order anything and don't throw money into kickstarters.


I still do occasionally, never pre-order anything any more that is bullshit, but I do back the occasional kickstarter but only after considerable research and certain requirement, none recently. But yes over all I am very much against it.

"early release" trend is wrecking the industry.

Buying early release titles is just enabling bad developer habits.


That was expected.

I was never really interested in the game as the last "space sandbox whatever game" I paied money for is currently tumbling towards not working at all...

LOL! Star Citizen ... the game as they intend it to be .... never coming out.

U guys remember No Man's Buy?

Hahahahaha! : P


Alright @DerKrieger full disclosure time

Thats my Star Citizen account

I'm sure you're a bit awestruck right now, whatever. I've been rather silent about my support for the game compared to others but, there, there it is. That's how deep I'm into this

I spent 10 times the amount it takes to enter the game

For me it's not about the ships, the bling, etc. It's about the support. I wanted this to be a thing more than you could have ever imagined.

I'm not going to take this article fully to heart, because if I did I'd cry at work and that would be awkward.

Have a nice day
Feel free to masturbate to my tears

@Calvus @Cavemanthe0ne


I'm sorry for your loss.


hmm...Pretty much expected for at least a couple of months now...At least they are being honest about it as opposed to most.Does not really matter much at this point...

Ah, nothing like a sensationalist headline to lighten the mood.

SC seems to suffer from a large chunky problem of scope creep, It will be interesting to see if there just simply offering to much.

Saying that, SC is far ahead of others like it. The latest information reminds me so much of Infinity, except SC seems to have some actual basis for content.

Thats the key I think here. They seem to be at the point of content creation, and if there at that point, they might just pull it off.

You are comparing 3 very different things though. Pre-order has nothing to do with crowd-funding and early access has nothing to do with kickastarters.

Pre-orders are just marketing ploys to sell more copies before the word of mouth kicks in.
Early access is about funding the last part of a game´s developement. Which is done the worst way by Steam and the best way possible by GOG.com
Kickstarting and the like is about supporting an idea that would not be realized through normal funding. It is a donation (or an investment in places like Fig). You are not buying a product. And none is making a promise about it. If you give money to kickstarter and expect a guaranteed product you are doing it wrong and that is strictly on you.

It is amazingly false to judge these 3 things as similar.

That is not true. Actually crowd-funding holds developers much more accountable for missed promises than typical business models. If a developer fails to deliver and loses trust of the crowd he will never again manage to use the paradigm. None will ever trust him again. Unless he goes to work for someone else his career is basically over. Audience trust is very difficult to gain, amazingly easy to lose. And can be a death sentence when the people that provide you with capital are also your audience. There is not such accountability for missed promised for traditional publishers either. How many AAA games missed they mark in date, delays and missed promises and lack of features or unfinished games that barely work. I do not see Ubisoft be held accountable for anything of that stuff. Or the No Man´s lie guys that outright mislead people. An indie developer using crowd-funding would be dead in the water if he presented similar quality and false promises.

These are common in development in general. the difference with crowdfunding is that they are publicly shown as the audience is also the investor. Just because you to do hear that often about the development hell AAA games go through it does not mean it does not happen.

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Been a backer since the beginning which equates to about $30/mo.


Tbf I haven't bought (backed) anything this year

2014/15 was spendy

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You really spent that much on a video game????

Are you expecting it to come with a gaming PC?

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Maybe it will ship on its own WD 1TB SSD? Who knows?

I'm single, have a good paying job and I have the money to spare so yes, this is a game that I want to come forth so I backed it.
Open development, no EA or Ubisoft to muck up the works, space combat, multi-crew ships, boarding actions, trading, exploring. This game is going to have everything that I want in a game. Also I participate in real testing where my feedback is actually addressed by the developers.
When this game is released it is going to set the bar for PC games. SC is not some punk-ass console port but a PC game for PC gamers.

My gaming PC cost twice that.


Could have been worse if he was into train simulators...



Everyone has a hobby

My entire Steam account is worth less than $500

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I've spent 4x that on my firearms not including ammo expenditures.

I have about 30 full priced games in my Steam library.

My aviation headset cost $1000. lol

That is the key term here.

Yet companies are treating them as one in the same. Ever since Minecraft paid alpha dropped tons of devs (Indie and AAA) have been trying to emulated their success.

There has been an increasing trend of trying to get people to buy non existing or unfinished games for a while now.

Whether it is Ark selling DLC while in early Access. Mafia 3 and No Man Sky being practically unplayable at launch. Kickstarter game Planetary Annihilation not having the ability to save at launch. Locking away content unless you preorder.

The endless Ddev cycle for a game tha cant not possibly deliever everything promised. It is at the point they are selling pay to win items to fund it, is the cherry on top.

This is all the symptoms of one thing: A consumer base willing to spend money without regards to reality.


This is the primary problem with the optics around Star Citizen.

The game is only 4 years into development. In that time they had to develop the development infrastructure. Staff, office space, pipeline and practically rebuild the CryEngine. They wrote and shot a script equivalent to a 100 hour movie with experienced actors. They developed a way to build entire planets that you can seamlessly take off from to orbit and beyond.

This is not an early release game suckering kiddies out of their lunch money, this a game under active development being tested by the people that want the game to succeed i.e. the backers.

The game will be released when it is ready and not according to a schedule set by a publishing house.

I really don't understand the controversy but I am a die hard supporter and will defend it until I'm proven wrong. Thanks @DerKrieger for providing me a platform to do that. XD
