Sprint Legality?

So I was watching television, the new episode of the walking dead and noticed a sprint commercial. What I heard/saw shocked my stoner mind. They are only offering unlimited data for the iphone 6. How is this legal? It creates a completely unfair advantage for apple as usual. If no android or windows phone offers unlimited data, how the fuck is this considered competition? 

Here is some more info on this (from my point of view), I pay 50 bucks a month for 2gb of data on VZW, sprint is offering an exclusive iphone 6 deal that gives anyone who buys it unlimited data for 50 bucks a month. Its like saying if you buy hp you get unlimited bandwidth with your isp, but if you get a dell you are limited to 300gb per month. How is this legal at all?

The FTC needs to look into this correct?

Sprint has an unlimited plan for $60/mo for all devices. I'm guessing Apple is just footing the bill for the extra $10/mo. I don't really thinks this gives them an unfair advantage. Manufacturers pay for discounts and coupons for all sorts of things all the time.

This is no different than Sony or Microsoft paying for exclusive DLC, yeah it's shitty and fucks the consumer but it happens in a free market.

Actually it is different compare to them paying for DLC, but that is true. I didnt know sprint offered unlimited data to begin with, so it would be legal, as all companies are offered the same data packages. DLC vs internet, without the internet you cant have DLC. If it is exclusively a Microsoft product they can offer any DLC they want, thing is they cant have what in the US capitalistic society is unfair competition. i.e. monopolies or something in this manner (if it were the case, which it isnt) were you can buy any phone you want, just with apple you go from limited to unlimited data.

I don't think comparing it to DLC is accurate. Microsoft getting exclusive DLC would be a more accurate comparison to Sprint being the exclusive iphone carrier. I think OP original example of HP vs Dell is more on point, as the issue is of 2 devices on the same network, one is given priority based on the manufacturer of the device. 

Although Sprint is probably not selling it as "Apple devices are unlimited" but rather, there is a special unlimited plan in which apple devices just happen to be the only option (if someone tried to argue they are giving unfair treatment). 2 devices on the same plan, giving 1 higher priority would be unfair competition, however 2 devices different plans - I don't think there would be a case there.

Companies partner all the time to split the bill or offer special deals so if Apple is subsidizing an unlimited plan for their devices I don't think that would be anything new.