Sponsored Video - For Audience Approval/Feedback

If you disclose it I do not see any problem.
Totalbiscuit says it best: ,,We all got to make a living and no one should be begrudge about it as long as you are honest about it and ethical"

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I've got no problem with it as long as it's properly disclosed.

This is a good video.

As long as you like the tech I have no problem hearing about new things this way. I have no doubt you will be above board in the way it is presented.

Thanks. I help whenever I can.

Im happy if its not scripted an you give a good 'tek' treatment to the review :)

Pretty much this.

I don't use a TV either, but if it has interesting technology in it then I'm happy to view it.

I say do it, but please be very through.

I work as tech support for a company and you would believe how many ppl call in about their tv not working because they didn't know what type of QAM tuner the tv came with ( NTSC, ClearQAM, etc), and have to either go buy a $35 digital converter box, or return their brand new $500 tv b/c it didn't come with a modern digital tuner.

I think as long as it is clearly disclosed as a sponsored video and not a review than it should be fine.

IMHO though I don't think you guys should make doing sponsored videos a regular thing, especially with the success you are having with Patreon.

Go for it. If its clearly labeled sponsored, and helps you guys out, I'm all for it. Do something fun with it and make it worth our watch :D

Well last I knew you guys needed the cash and there are not very many good 4K TV's. And hey didn't you guys want to get one for..... something? Whatever the case is as long as you can say what you want and it isn't anything that will screw you over do it.

First off, thanks Logan for asking the community for advice on this. Most folks would have just signed the agreement and recited the marketing buzz words. I agree with most other folks. As long as the video is disclosed as a promotion, I don't have an issue with it. I also agree with some other ideas like including the TV in a video for 4K HTPC gaming. Perhaps you could even do something more technical like discuss HDMI, HDCP, EDID, or some of the new/different features included in the TV's software stack.

Transparency in the video somewhere, and if it's a bad product, and they are trying to get you to sell junk. Then screw it. Otherwise label it as sponsored, stuff like that tends to get taken with a grain of salt, or some networks/media groups get a massive bucket of salt.

i would say just do it, even if some things might be against your own principles.
As long as you stay honnest about the product, then nobody will blame you for anything.

Whatever keeps the wolves from the door, It will bring in a new kind of audience (not gamers) also since folks looking specifically for video's of this TV may stay/sub.

Please pay attention the up-scaler, I'm interested in what will trickle down in the next few years.

I dont have issue with sponsored videos as long as you keep being honest about the product and it wont stop you to criticize it even more. It it would be shame if those product were not tech related and true to the soul of this channel.

well i say give it a once over look at what they want you to say. find your own opinions on it and say them as well. if you cant say your own opinions then say thanks for the tv thanks for the offer to pay us for our time to do the review. but you can have it back and keep the cash. i am not posting this video because it goes against what we stand for.

Is this by any chance a TV you were offered to review?

Even Linus is not going all 'oh wow this the the best thing ever' - he is calling out some positive points and some negatives, for example the fact that the thickness of the screen is a bit of a joke (in particular IMHO as the curve makes that a totally ridiculous point, but he's pointing out the typical 'thick base')

Anything I've ever fitted to the wall (Most of my TVs are wall-mount due to the way the rooms are in the property), sticks out significantly.

To go back to the original question asked :)

  • You showed your integrity by even asking the question. Respect for that.
  • As long as you personally feel comfortable with the scripted piece + can add your own comments to the extent that this sponsor can accept and that you can personally accept, all is good in the world.

At the end of the day, it is your call, I'm sure you'll make the right decision, whatever it might end up being.

I would suggest do like a 2 part review. 1st part for a general review and the second part for a deep review because I am guessing since it costs $5,000 whoever is buying it has to know exactly what he is buying and is not getting ripped. Also, if you like the product and it's quality do it, otherwise don't bother.