Splitting a HDD so only one OS can see it?

Hey Community


So recently i decided to dual boot my HDD to W7 and OSX 10.8 i got my installers working fine and both installed, but is it possible to make my 500GB drive see ony one OS at a time. Let me explain...

If i am in OSX it boots a specific partition say #1 and it views only the files saved to #1 and then when im in w7 #2 is for that OS only and can only see windows files....

Just to keep my drive cleaner and stops me getting OSX files on windows n vise versa...

Anyway to do this? be brilliant if so :)


Thanks in advance!!!!

In windows you can just unmount the drive, right click on computer hit manage then from the disk management node you can remove the drive letter from the partition.

I have never used mac so I don't know how to unmount a drive on that OS.