I have been thinking about doing some service concentration on my home network. I am running some services on my homelab that I would like to have running 24x7, like my speedtest-server, ubiquiti controller and maybe nginx-proxy manager for access over the internet using ddns.
I am also intending to move my home assistant installation with an USB-A Zigbee controller as a vm based on this guide:
I already tested this without the USB-zigbee controller and it did work. Currently, the Homeassistant is running on homeassistant os running on an old pc (i5-3570k+4gb ram).
Since my intention is to be running this system on 24x7, I would like to focus on a setup that draws a limited amount of power but I would prefer to move to newer hardware.
I have been thinking of a couple of options:
going X99 from aliexpress (CPU+cheapass mb for 50e)
Maybe with something like this
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006677991863.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.5.736fQV5cQV5cOj&algo_pvid=cd8424f4-4add-488f-a38b-5264af39876f&algo_exp_id=cd8424f4-4add-488f-a38b-5264af39876f-2&pdp_npi=4%40dis!EUR!89.66!37.48!!!664.12!277.62!%40211b804117377119899974216e4386!12000037991654860!sea!FI!6217002779!ABX&curPageLogUid=QX8WNXCq90EG&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch|query_from%3A -
Going Am4 from ebay
ASRock Rack B450D4U-V1LQ5 - AMD B450 - DDR4 Ram - mATX Mainboard Sockel AM4 BTO | eBay
I have been trending towards this option but I am not really 100% sure if it makes sense for me because I would have prefered to get 3rd gen ryzen as the cpu since I can get those new for around 75-85e new. But based on asrock racks website, I am not at all sure if those CPU’s actually would work with the motherboard linked above since it does look like the oem has not released any bios updates to the mb as far as I can tell. Based on the oem, it should have some soft of onboard flash-utility but that is kinda useless without the fresher bios version…
For me, 2nd Gen ryzen are harder to get here. And the most bottom of the barrel motherboards for am4 with 4 dimm slots are at least 75e new. And I would prefer not to spend a fortune on this system. However, if I can save some power with more money, that might be doable.
I do already have existing PSU’s and cases, but I am probably going to grab a couple of new drives for this system as the boot drives. And also new ram since I do not have any spare ddr4 laying around since all of it is deployed to already running am4 systems.
Also, I have been running proxmox on my homelab for a couple of years so I should be able to figure out the solutions described above?
Any thoughts on this matter? Or things that I have not really