Specific Output Location - dd Terminal Command

Hi, just need to know how to point to a specific output using the dd Terminal command

for example, the output needs to be a specific folder on a specific drive

How would that be typed/syntax/whatever?

You need to mount the drive somewhere, I usually use /mnt but you can really chose wherever. Then just run dd if= of= and it just werks

I’m talking about the specific text that goes into Terminal for the output, “of=”.

You just need to use the full path of where you want it to go. If it’s a file then add nothing to the end, but if it’s a directory add a ‘/’

How would I find out what the exact full directory/path would be?

You can use the “pwd” command to list the full current path, so navigate to where you want to copy to and run that command to find the full path.

it can go whatever way you want:

from block device to file:

dd if=/dev/sdb of=/mnt/file.bin

from file to block device:

dd if=/mnt/file.bin of=/dev/sdb

or from block device to block device:

dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sdc

partition to file:

dd if=/dev/sdb1 of=/mnt/file1.bin

file to partition:

dd if=/dev/file1.bin of=/dev/sdb1

partition to partition:

dd if=/dev/sdb1 of=/dev/sdc1

you get the point?

What was the point of posting that?

I take it you mean navigate using Terminal? Because I don’t see how using that command once I’m there in the explorer/whatever it is for Linux would give any information.

I’m using Fedora, and for testing purposes I put a basic text file where I want the output result to go. When I right click and select properties of the file, it gives/prompts some detail, but I’m not sure if that’s the full proper directory or not.

If it starts with a “/” then it is. Also, I don’t see what’s wrong with the terminal insofar as you need it to run dd anyway, I end up using the terminal for most of those types of tasks. It’s weird at first, but you’ll get used to it.

[quote=“mikek17, post:11, topic:118338, full:true”]
If it starts with a “/” then it is. [/quote]
