Speaker help new to linux

Hello, i have just put mint on my computer, im having issues with the speakers i cant get the right one to make a sound, the left one plays. On windows this is not an issue but after spending 2 hours trying to learn how to get my 970 installed and then another 2 hours looking into this im stumped.I have looked on "https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Advanced_Linux_Sound_Architecture#Conflicting_PC_speaker" but i cant see anything that i notice 

it says its an SB audigy SE (sb0570)

Any help would be gratefully received 

Have you tried switching from pulseaudio to alsa?

i hadnt tried that, googled how to, followed the steps now i have a black screen with mouse pointer on so im guessing i did somet wrong, will try again when thats fixed

Well first, thats impressive. Fixing a sound issue and you managed to get a black screen xD.

Do you know what caused the black screen? or been able to fix it?


On your sound card, this seams to be a known issue with pulseaudio on Ubnutu (at least) edit: there are some working solutions on that thread.


Thanks for the link there was something that helped, its all sorted now, thanks both

