[SOVLDE]Can't open backing store /dev/kvmfr0 for guest RAM: Operation not permitted

I fellow this guide looking-glass B5-155-3d0a8f69/module/#libvirt.
ll /dev/kv*
crw-rw---- 1 root kvm 10, 232 1月 13 20:13 /dev/kvm
crw-rw---- 1 lee kvm 246, 0 1月 13 20:09 /dev/kvmfr0
I install VM with virt-manager,when I start the VM, give me this error “can’t open backing store /dev/kvmfr0 for guest RAM: Operation not permitted” .what can I do?

Sorry for the intrustion in the thread, i’ve seen that error more than once…

Idk if it helps or not, but trying to run the HEVC codec on HEVC capable hardware in Linux gives the same error. It has done that for an abyssmal amount of time :frowning:

You have a permissions issue. Find out what user QEMU is running under and make sure that /dev/kvmfr0 device has rw permission either by its user, or by its group or by an extended ACL.

I am running qemu with lee , ls -l /dev/kvmfr
crw-rw---- 1 lee kvm 246, 0 1月 13 20:09 /dev/kvmfr0
and I chang 777 /dev/kvmfr0 ,but it still give me this error

Did you do this?


I have a mistake on /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf of the cgroup_deive_acl ,now ,it works ,THANK YOU!!

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