Soundproofing Advice

I just purchased a simple AT2020 USB mic for podcast recording, streaming, and gaming shennanigans. However, I'm wondering what sort of things I could do to lower surrounding noise picked up by the microphone, mainly keyboard clicking.

Any and all sorts of advice for a basic mic setup would be appreciated :D

Apart from set up a threshold on your recording program?

Set up a threshold? I've never even heard this. I'll have to explore that in Audition a bit.

depending on your room and what can or can't be done. Cover the walls in eggboxes. or make panels to surround you and the mic.

Trust me it works. For our school studio before we bought proper soundproof foam we had eggboxes.

Another thing to look at is where the mic is and how it is fixed in place.

Try to keep the microphone separate from the surface that the keyboard is on to stop vibrations. A shock mount would help in this respect.