Soundcard and upgrade advice

I'm currently running a itx gaming rig in a prodigy. I have recently got into FLAC music and feel I need a sound card as music playback is the main thing I use my PC for. That ovbiously involves two things changing form factors and choosing a soundcard. So i have two questions.


Should I take the opportunity to upgrade from Z77 to Z87 or just change motherboards? I'm more than happy with my current performance but while im changing form factors is it worth getting the latest chipset and selling my 3750k? 


As for the sound card I'm looking to pair it with monitor speakers probably Yamaha HS7's. Which soundcard would you recommend for this and is that right way to go about it? 



This is my first post so go easy on me .






Good Question mennell2222, Best choice is to grab on of these there are on stocks now. maybe a bit expensive but definitely worth the peny. gonna last you for years.. you don't need a new chipset for such music playbacks but if that's what you mainly do then get one of those Asus's XONARs Soundcards from Amazon or if you can find them in your local shop that'd be best to.

Have a nice day. 

You most likely won't notice any difference from a motherboards onboars sound card compared to a physical one unless youre using some very good headphones/speakers. Just sayin'.

You could get a pro souncard that connects via usb.That way you can utilitze your studio monitors and not change mobo/case.

This replies in this thread are useless. NO you don't want an internal soundcard.Those HS7's are studio monitors and you need an INTERFACE. There's tons to choose from. Are you recording or in need of something very accurate like those Yamaha's? You'll probably enjoy something like KRK Rokits more if you just want high quality playback. Those monitors are a little more hifi and enjoyable/forgiving.