Sound from my TV

Hello to who ever wants to help,

I have my TV hooked up as a second monitor. It works fine and all, but I would like the sound to work a certain way. You see the sound on the TV is working with the computer, but the computer is not using it. When ever I have a video for example on the TV the sound is coming out of my computers speakers. Now the speakers are next to the computer monitor and my TV is on the wall to the left of the computer. It is not ideal for the sound to be coming out of the speakers when the video is on the TV. I can disable the speakers and force the sound to come out of the TV, but I am wondering if there is a way to make it so the sound comes from different devices depending on where the video is coming from. So if the video is on my computer monitor, sound will come out of the speaker. And if the video is on my TV, sound will come out of the TV speakers.

Thanks a bunch to who ever helps


Well this is all dependent on what kind of connection you're using with the television.  If it's HDMI you can set it to the T.V. by going to sound settings and selecting your T.V.  If it's anything else then you really can't without a proper sound card that takes composite cable.

I use Sound Switch to change audio. It works pretty well. I use it to switch between my Headset and Speakers, so I'm not sure if it would work with a TV.


if u use the onboard soundcard for both speakers and monitor, and ur motherboard has the realtek as onboard sound then just make sure u put both outputs to line out and use the mute button. no need for extra programs that use resources etc..