there is a slight buzz/hum in my headphones if i turn the volume up even with nothing playing
iam assuming its interferance from my motherboard? iam pretty sure a decent sound card should fix this problem?
any suggestions?
msi h67-ma35
25-125 bucks?!
I have the same problem but I plug my headphones into my speakers which are plugged into the back but I reackon thats because my headphones are rubbish.
thanks ill give it a try tomorrow
Not sure what the prices right now, but the top sound cards I can think of out of my head right now are these probably:
ASUS Xonar Essence STX (I personally have one and it's awesome. It only does stereo sound though, so no surround sound)
ASUS Xonar Xense
ASUS Xonar Phoebus
also when you click the volume icon, click the speaker icon that comes up above the volume slider, then click the advanced tab, and make sure you have the highest setting selected
example 192,000Hz 24 bit