Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium PCIe issue

If this isn’t in the right place, i wasn’t sure where to post this.

I’ve had this sound card for quite a long time, but i could never get it working properly within my installation of Windows 7 Pro 64-bit. My rig is quite old, but this shouldn’t stop me from installing it, and consequently i was never able to use the card, and had been using another sound card in this rig. I was never sure if the card was faulty or not, despite the card being reported by a few hardware reporting utilities i had installed. however, it’s years too late for me to return the card.
Edit: To keep this post from getting any bigger, I’ve added my specs to my profile.

However, recently, I’d decided to add in another SSD to my system so i could install Linux Ubuntu, and decided swap in this card out of curiosity.
I heard audio from the card. Wait…it works? I was surprised. Windows wouldn’t allow me to install the card(Not detected.), but it does in Linux?
I’m happy with this, but as i’m new to Linux, I’m not sure how to get DDL 5.1 working via optical in Linux. Any advice??

As for windows 7, I’ve followed all the walk through guides i could find. Tried Installing from the CD, Downloads, the DanielK Drivers. I could never progress past the ‘No compatible devices detected’ when trying to installing in Windows 7. What could i have missed?

Take a look at alsa-mixer. It’s a command line tool, just open a terminal and run:
If you have multiple audio devices, press F6, and choose your Sound Blaster:

I don’t have the same card, but I do have an ASUS Xonar that has multiple outputs.

Now I don’t use S/PDIF or the same sound card, so this likely wont be the same, but I can switch what port I use here. Under I can select what ports it uses for audio, between Stereo, StereoFP, and Multichannel. It’s possible that you have a section to enable or disable the S/PDIF output. I do have a section for S/PDIF but it does nothing because I am not using it.

Pretty late reply here, but on the off-chance it could benefit somebody…
There are some versions of the Sound Blaster X-Fi cards that are supposed to work with different driver sets. Daniel Kawakami’s drivers delineate this with the suffix “SE”. For PCI-E cards, this might mean you have some OEM variant, but it seems there weren’t many of these.

There’s no way for me to know if the OP tried multiple drivers or just one with the given text (and I’m doubtful he’ll respond), but it could be your solution if you’re reading.