SOPA 2014 New campaign

Well, SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Acts) is now up again and the dead line to vote against it is in 8 days. If you would like to vote against it (I would strongly advise to) you can go to What happens if SOPA is passed? One is many music/media sharing sights will be shut down do to "Piracy" even if completely legal, Youtube may suffer and many other sites like it. Again we need 100,000 vote against it for them to consider stopping this bill. That's all  i have to say on this horrible act/bill.


You gotta be fucking kidding right? SOPA again?

makes you wonder when these companies that push this crap time and time again will ever understand how much this would kill there business. Can this shit burn in fire at some point

Oh no, let's restart the meltdown of the world of tech hysteria...........

you know what sopa stands for.,.





im gona sit on my ass and let this happen.

I don't really know what this bill is supposed to do, it certainly isn't going to make a dent in piracy. Technology beats legalism. And we have ~5000 years of recorded human history that backs up this claim.

It's just going to provoke new file-sharing innovations.

In the end all the political power-struggle over the Internet, will drive the people into "dark-nets" that run on mesh-nets independent from government influenced infrastructure.

Mobile computers are going to have high-speed wireless network connectivity very soon, those can & will be interconnected into mesh-nets. The more the elites put on the pressure (i.e.: piss off Network-geeks) the sooner it's going to happen.

I mean just look at the speed cjdns and hyperboria grew because of draconian political stance regarding surveillance. Measures that would actually be effective would cause the adoption rates & development to skyrocket.

I mean how can they not understand that they lost that the fight against unauthorized file-sharing. They are up against human nature, the fact that computers are enormously efficient at copying/distributing data and the geopolitical situation that the masses in China, India, Russia, South-America & Africa are just are steam-rolling any anti piracy measures.

If they want people to pay for content, they have to make payment an optional measure that is viewed as expressing gratitude, admiration & social status. There simply won't be any room left for middleman lining their pockets. I simply have no incentive to pay parasites. The capital that is needed upfront to make content can be managed much more efficiently via crowd-financing (i.e. the descendants of kick-starter) Greedy Investors that pump our money into mediocre innovation-free bombast-projects that turn out to be turds more often than not is an evolutionary dead end.

No, it stands for Stop Online Piracy