Sooooooo hacking

Well... i wanna do it but ushaule i dont even know where to begin...... can someone help put me on some sort of path to go up to get started with this? (I would use hacking skills for good by the way, not for pirsonal benifit)

Chainsawing my eyws to nmubt hep aiun

Well, you obviously don't know grammar. First of all, capitalize your "I"s, the first letter of a sentence, and spell personal with an "e," not an "i."


Moving on, switch to Linux. The easiest way to practice white-hat hacking is through Backtrack 5 on any Linux distro. I am partial to Ubuntu because it is the easiest to install, but Arch Linux is my favorite (not a beginner's OS). Learn basic Linux stuff, so you can get around in the terminal, then set up BT5.

Why do you want to "hack"?

Well first off i must point out im dyslexic, and I normally try and hide it but its rarely pointed out as blatently as you just did. So oh well, just puting it out there.

And i wanna for one learn it to find gaps in my own systems (I do quite alot of networking for small buisnesses in my area). And second is a little more of a shaky topic, very pirsonal to me, and is of a topic that is very important to quite allot of people at the moment but something most people on the internet would agree with. Ill remind you that my intentions are not to harm but to help

You want to learn some hacking skills?

Step one: buy a horse.

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There is a difference between dyslexia and lazyness. I personaly have dyslexia and at one point my spelling and punctuation was far worse than what you deminstrait. However Scripting, Programming and Hacking rely on accuracy in your typing.

Looking at your post I would say you are very young and so I highly recomend you focus on your education. Improve your spelling and punctation. And It dosent have to be hours of respelling a word. When you feel like a word is not right, open up google, Type the word as you know it, look at how its really spelt and learn from that.

If you are out of school and you still put blame on dyslexia, get your head out of your ass. Fix your spelling. No one cares for people who are too lazy to try and fix their problems. Sort yourself out.

I am speaking from my experience with dyslexia and other learning disabilities that has hampered me for the majority of my life.

On the topic of hacking. there is very little in the general terms of hacking that atuly helps people. Anonymous? What they do is far beyond what you will probably ever do. Hacking into the New York Times will only get you arrested. So many people have be arrested for blatent hack atempts just because they thought it would be cool.

Hacking for fun (Modding) is a more realistic. thats where my knowledge mainly sterns from but again also risky. 

Hacking networks and OS's is simple. You dont even need to hack in many cases. There are so many holes in systems that as someone who has suposidly set up networks, You should already ether have enough knowledge to research the topic. Honestly google. Asking people to teach you isnt going to work. The best your going to get here is sugestions on where to look.

I am going to give you the best knowledge bank available anywhere.

Sorry for being blunt but its true.

Your a moron. I'm 16 not some un-educated idiot. And yes i am dyslexic and I'm not trying to use it as an exscuse jackass, I midst simply cant help it, you think you fucking know how I'm affected by dyslexia? And last but not least, im not fucking lazy IM DYSLEXIC.


But yea, nice one :P

I don't think you have been on this forum for very long, but unless you haven't grasped it yet the way to get help is to be polite to the people who are trying to help you. There is no need call somebody who gave you some good solid advice an idiot, if you don't like the advice that was given, or the way people act on this forum, then go somewhere else.

pmiccich, I thought anon was rude so pay no attention to him. I don't think spelling and grammar is as important as everyone makes it out to be, so just ignore 'em. But I would suggest you take out the bad language when replying to someone.

Anyway, as for hacking... you don't need to switch OS, any OS will do to get you started. I presume you don't do any programming at the moment. The first thing to do is learn a programming language, I suggest teaching yourself C++. Maybe buy some books, find online tutorials, watch youtube videos ect...

That's what I did, it has taken me a few years to get good at it. Hacking is just using your programming knowlage to make things do what they weren't designed to do. I've never done it really, it takes years of practice and hacking is generally something only the top programmers are capable of.

It takes a very long time to get good unfortunately, so best of luck :)

I understand that, but when I'm called lazy, and basically called a liar for something I can't help I naturalily  pissed. And since it happens quite often that makes it even worse, but fact is I just never bring up the dyslexia, I normally just lie and say that English isint my native language...

*i'm naturally pissed

Lol thank you. That was the answer i was hoping to get. XD

In the instance of hacking systems that you own, be carefull to check you user agrement because if you break it your services may be cut off or you could even be taken to civil court in some cases. Especialy companies like your ISP.  When you sign up with them your agreement possibly says something like "you are not alloud to hack or the like useing our services" (not a direct quote)


Also I am unaware obviously of your computer knowledge, but a firm grasp of Linux and Linux comand line is imperitive before you even think of atemptioing hacking.


Plus why is anyone argueing about literacy, Who cares.

Hey pmiccich, I'm Dyslexic as well. It really doesn't help that this site does not have spell check enabled :(

Just a word of advice though, you shouldn't get mad at people who are trying to help you.  If I am helping someone who has a thick accent and I have to ask them to repeat themselves a few times, than sure it's frustrating for them, but it is also frustrating for me.  I have two suggestions for you ;1)  Try to use a third party spell-checker. For example I just type a lot of things out of Microsoft Word and paste it onto here. 2) Download a program called "Naturally Dragon Speaking" it honestly made my life 10x easier. It allows you (or the user) to speak normally and the program will type the words you speak. No need to use spell-checker

Anyways, considering you are still in high school (I’m guessing), try asking you guidance counselor to find out if you have any computer science classes in your school.  Basic classes will teach you HTML and Java, but the higher classes with good teachers will teach you C++!


I agree, learn all you can while you still can! Google is your friend and check out

Lol alredy a part of that site.

BT5 is obsolete get Kali.

I would also recommend this site. It has a very good python course witch I recommend as a starting language for its ease and versatility in programing.


Also: in my experience even typing this.

Microsoft Word + Dyslexia == kryptonite + superman.

yeah ppl pretty much got it right

1) Learn to use any Linux OS

2) Learn some programming language (python is pretty easy)

3) ?

4) Profit!