Sooo... about in steam in home game streaming

I thought I would try steam in home game streaming by streaming to my Acer C720 Chromebook.
Yeah that dose not work at all. but I am also using an old wireless g router I have sitting around.

Soo is it cuz this computer has no power or it is because I have inadaquite connections

What do you mean by “does not work at all”

Steam recommends a wired connection or at least N router with good signal for wireless

well if steak says my connection is not good enough ok then

I’ve no idea what you mean

In home streaming pretty much requires at least a wired connection or 802.11n or faster wireless.

802.11b/g can have pretty horrendous lag.

Good thing i happen to have a used Belkin N300 on order for $4 then, that should maybe do it.

So the n class wireless router I picked up dose not seem to be able to quite do it or maybe it’s the shitty old Chromebook. Stardew valley is almost playable.


If you wanna do In Home Streaming just grab a Steam Link. They work great and are onsale for $15 all the time

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Have you played with the quality settings?

You might have a good new wireless router, but if the wireless card in your chrome book is just as old as the old router, it may not help. it might be cheaper to buy a steam link than get something that will work with that laptop.

For the most part, steam link works pretty well. It is glitchy, some games have issues when the controller goes to sleep (I use PS4 controller for mine), and won’t recover. Others just aren’t made well for controllers. If you mouse & keyboard, should be fine though.

I have played through a few games using it, like fallout 4, hob, things like that.

The C720 dose have 802.11n. I plan too try it with an older/slower netbook later with a wired connection just so see if it is a networking thing but I have not had time. I may pickup a steambox at some point. The second hand N class router I got cost me $4.35 so I expect it is the greatest ever.

You might be able to drop the resolution or lower the quality, just to get it working and you might find something acceptable.

I’d recommend snagging a usb to ethernet adapter and seeing if it’ll work wired. You don’t need anything fancy, even a 100Mb adapter. At a minimum that’ll tell you if you need a better client (chromebook) or if the wireless setup isn’t cutting it.

I only ever bother to use steam in home over AC wireless or wired. You can run it on 802.11N but the bandwidth and latency advantages of a wire or 5Ghz AC really make it an enjoyable experience.

I tried at 800 by something low as can go stardew valley was playable but annoying portal 2 was simmaler. Fallout 4 would not get past title screen.