Soon to be my computer

That will be my computer in a few months.

Any suggestions?

These are my suggestions based on price/performance and enthusiast level overclocking (my own records)


It costs a bit more, but you get a better motherboard, a better SSD, a better price/performance GPU and CPU (the 8320 can OC to the exact same clocks the 8350 goes to)


Apart from that though, your build is still a nice buy :)


 EDIT, also a 1.5TB 7200RPM HDD.


twin frozr cards make me moist.... mhmmmm :)

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With that 7950, you get Crysis 3 and Bioshock Infinite free.

The 7950 with an OC will beat the 670.

I like your build I would just change the thermal paste to a better one, they are usually the same price. And for the same price to get a 7970/7950, unless you really need cuda for work, etc. But for gaming and basically anything else the 7970 are going to get you the better results for the money. Also if you want to overclock I would recommend a 990 series motherboard, but if you are just keeping it the same the 970 motherboards are a great way to go. Hope this helps!

Don't even buy those fans lol.

Get a cheaper power supply.

The 212 evo will come with better thermal paste.

Get a better mobo (Extreme4 970?)

Get a corsair 120MM Fan set they have 2 for 25ish and they're really high quality.