(SOON) MFZuuls Free Game Dump (SOON)

DM sent

I’ll snag ashes I guess.

DM sent

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is watching

Metal Slug 3 is :ok_hand:

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Still open, metal slug is gone but there are some great games left!

Is Railroad Tycoon 3 still available? :drooling_face:

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is this the definitive free game giveaway thread

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until I run out, have about 30+ games to give away iirc

why not just make it the generic game code giveaway thread so we have a place to share the love

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was going to transition it to that when I’m out.
Wasn’t sure on the best way to do it, free for all or DM.

Eh, I mean if anyone has free games they want to post feel free and I will update the OP like I do with my giveaways

might have some in a bit

are there any open roguelikes?

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Uh not sure tbh, I just go through and randomly pick some. Tend to look for one big ticket game and then 3-4 others.

I’ll keep a look out for the next one, this dump will last 2 more days then open in a week or so. do that to keep it fresh

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Can I have Shadowrun Returns please?

And she is shutting down, til the 13th peeps