Sony vaio bios password

i bought a sony vaio 81313m off ebay but the owner cant remember what the password to the bios is. i can get to windows fine, i just want to get into the bios.


model name :VPCF23P1E

bios version: r2150v3

what do i need and is the a way around it? bios update flash maybe? links and advice all welcome please


First I would call Sony often they can help you unlock it.

Now the fun suggestion ( that I am not recommending) Some laptops have jumpers that you can use often located under the RAM it might look something like this

You can use a length of wire to jump the connections. I don't know what jumper it will be for your laptop but on Toshiba laptops it used to be the first and last pads to clear the CMOS. If you chose to do this be careful shorting stuff out can break the PC also you may want to remove the HDD if you have any data on it because you might have to do this HOT turn the laptop off remove all the ram hdd then power it on make the jump turn laptop off put all ram and hdd back in. Good luck! - Enter the code that you get and it will provide you with an unlock code.