Something strange for windows 7

running an AMD FX 8350 and i just got an unexpected error message after windows update. this hardware is not supported and some features of windows might not work properly. what in the hell windows ive been using this PC for ages and now i am running unsupported hardware get bent.

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And people make fun of me for this sorta thing.

Uh huh.

Just ignore it. If M$ tries to slow your machine down you can open a class action lawsuit against them. They can’t force obsolescence on users its against business&trade laws.


i am ignoring it but still what in the hell are they thinking. lets just play with people and tell them misinformation. makes my blood boil a little.

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I long ago abandoned windows for the same reason bud.

:S if i didnt have to play family detective for windows and my parents and sister i would have done the same long ago. still looking to the future when all applications run in a sandbox container that is platform agnostic and games don’t have archaic DRM (will never happen but dreams)

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My guess is the microcode updates for the latest Meltdown/Spectre won’t trickle down to those on Win7.

going to look into this now. but isnt the FX line unaffected by meltdown . and its just Spectre that i have to worry about.

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Happens to me on Ryzen (also running Win7) after every bigger update. Simple reason: M$ wants you on Win10 so spying/advertising on you gets easier.

In case it does not want to update anymore, load wufuc. Fixes the issue for me.


no but they let things rot… and be hell can’t they ?

I’b curreently working as hard as I can to get an 8370 build to replace my current machine. You have to optimise the system a bit, but I bet you could do passthrough ok.

i could do passthrough if i had more drives that were not dead. currently i have 1 good ssd and 5 bad hdds and all of the hdds are less than 3 years old. im done with any hdd thats not hsgt or WD black to many failed drives way to quick.


I have 8350 that I want to turn into my linux playground :slight_smile:

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Neat. I’m thinking about either a thread or a PM group for this and I’ll just send everyone my optimizations as I build them or form them. If anyone else is interested let me know.

im down. i will even think about tearing down another box i have to grab a 2nd gpu for passthrough.


No way I will ever do something like what you’re doing… But include me :smiley:

I needdzzzz to learn.

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Also how many millions of people have FX? W10 is like, what 120, 200 dollars? Thats their goal, really. I almost doubt that it has any hurt.

So this is what they’re doing instead of “Get Windows 10.” Just as bad and annoying if you ask me, and they have a remote in to still get you to forcibly upgrade cause that’s the same platform the original Get Windows 10 used to deliver you this message.

They could so easily make the close button “accept/user consent” for a Windows 10 upgrade again. It’s the same codebase. So they’re still using manipulative tactics to get the “fringe geeks” to concern troll enough to “err on the side of caution.”

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