Ok, so I live in Canada, and I get 300mb/s at $100 per month with my ISP, this ISP is called Novus, can someone please explain to me the weird ISP stuff in the States? I'm wondering because I have awesome internet at the moment and I thought 'MURICA had better internet than we do. Correct me if i'm wrong but you guys are getting super slow internet because of these crazy AT&T Warner Time guys right? Why cant someone just sue them for false advertising if they're not giving people what they're advertising? I mean really, is it that hard?
because it's not false advertisement, they say "up to X speeds" . meaning that it is okay if the bandwidth is a bit less than what you subscribe to.
Ok I get that now, so what about the spies? I know they collect your data so what all do they collect, anything they can?
i used to live in Canada they internet was great back then we where behind the USA on speed and we had stupid bandwidth cap they didn't but that was a while ago since then there isp just didn't change anything to improve there service but Canada did (not all of Canada but quite a bit of it)
and since they didn't improve there service they are now bottle neck ... not cause it's hard to improve or cause they lack the infrastructure but just cause they have no competition and don't have any reason to and to make more money with out spending any they decided to put stupid data cap just a little bellow what normal user would use
but USA is far from the only place like this for example in 2002 in Canada i had better internet then i have today in Australia for half the price i pay now
i pay for "UP TO" 24Mbps down and they don't advertise the up
when i register for there service i was getting just over 18
but now what i get is totally different (that's my connection speed not even my actual transfer rate)
Line Rate - Upstream (Kbps): 1020
Line Rate - Downstream (Kbps): 11161
the USA is now trying to copy the Australian model instead of the European one (or even the Canadian one) unfortunately
the "UP TO" is the biggest issue
The government is storing lots of information, yes. Basically companies overcharge for subpar throttled service, often with data caps, as the government collects data on you. Telecom companies spend tons of money on lobbying in the govt, so that they vote in favor of big telecom, eg. Comcast, AT&T, Time Warner, Verizon, etc so that they can continue to give us inferior services and partake in illegal acts.
Ok, isn't it illegal to inspect people and their property without a search warrant? How are these guys getting away with this?
i pay for "UP TO" 24Mbps down and they don't advertise the up
when i register for there service i was getting just over 18
but now what i get is totally different (that's my connection speed not even my actual transfer rate)
Line Rate - Upstream (Kbps): 1020
Line Rate - Downstream (Kbps): 11161
the USA is now trying to copy the Australian model instead of the European one (or even the Canadian one) unfortunately
In a lot of places in Europe internet is provided over old copper ADSL lines. The downside of these is speed degrades over distance, this is the main reason for advertising "up to 24Mbps" (the limit of ADSL so I assume your australian connection is copper). Generally here in the UK the ISP will give you an estimate of the speed you are likely to get based on your postcode location and distance to the exchange.
As for your speed degradation, phone them up and ask them if the can change the profile on the connection to a higher speed. Usual what happens is ISP hardware with automatically switch you to a lower profile (lower speed) if it detects the line is unstable, it doesnt always try to increase the speed again. If the ISP is worth staying with the will at least be able to try this for you.
Well, thanks for explaining this crap, i'm never moving to the USA.
Its kind of a grey area. In the US the government sort of does what it wants unfortunately.
Ok so the USA is now a communist country like China?
Your data isnt on your property when they collect it, thats how they get away with it. Even then, the EU has good privacy laws and most countries here just go fuck it we can spy on our citizens if we want because terrorism thats why and the make twisted laws on the pretense of protecting people that immediately get misused.
when i sign up i called them and we fine tune the line and that's how i was getting just over 18
then we had a bad storm our line was damage i was down to 0.8 by 0.3 connection speed
they then change me to be "best available pair" after fighting with them and fine tuning as much as possible
i ended where i am and i'm just under 800 meter from the exchange
So the USA is now communist, you learn something new every day.
Its not communism, its the patriot act.. "patriot", dont you love your country? Well then let us spy on you so we can protect you, think of the children.
Joking aside, this isnt communism, have a quick look on wikipedia. Not sure what its called.. maybe someone will know.
Ugh, a case of we can't be bothered putting in a new line I guess. That really sucks, even more so that there best line isnt even very good. From what ive heard Australia is worse as upgrading lines than the UK.
sorry to inform you china is 10 time worst
the internet from china to china is crazy fast
but anything that goes out of the country is very slow it has to go true the great firewall of china a few big data center that see everything but it's not limited to that
if you drive on the road every few minutes you see camera flash on every road lane
yes they take picture of front and back of every single car on any major road every few minutes
they can see who in the car and everything if you go from the airport to shanghai city center you picture is taken at least 25 times
Thats not communist though. Controlling what you can do and see isn't communist, that happens in plenty of non-communist countries (US & UK to name two), thats just power mad people trying to get as much control, power and or money as possible.
Really, that is not a comunism what you describe. I live in a country where we get rid of comunism 25 years ago and I can see similarities to what you describe, but trust me, comunism is much worse. But sometimes I think of what they would do with all the information if they had access to all this technology back then. Its a really scary idea.
usa is not exactly communist it's what you call a oligopoly. also the main problem with isps is more or less that they are embezzling money that is suppost to be for installing fiber internet and other upgrades. most dsl providers have yet to upgrade to xdsl even though it came out in 2011. at the very least we'd get 50mb/s in most places if they did.at&t is using xdsl for their uverse service in some places but they are about the only ones.
Broadband over power lines would be a better option cost wise but because power-lines are poorly insulated and create interference for radio stations we can't have that. but I say screw radio we have mp3 players,cellphones and satellites now.it's not as fast as fiber or cable internet but still 250mb/s is alot better then dsl. cable internet can supposedly reach 10gigabits with DOCSIS 3.1 but no isp has offered even close to that speed.
since your in Canada beware of rogers they are the equivalent of Verizon in your country.
Oh I know about Rogers, i'm with Bell for my cell phone, they're ok-ish. My ISP for actual internet is Novus and they give me 300mb/s for $100 per month and free domain hosting with that too and a 1000gb data cap so they're not that bad. They also let me use my own modem which is nice.