Somehow getting 218.4 Megabits/s bandwidth (Well above what my ISP serves me) on Wireless with 130 Megabits/s bandwidth?

I've gotten no idea whether this should go in networking hardware or software, but this is pretty interesting nonetheless.

I decided to download Titanfall today, since I wanted to play it and insult it, and I checked on the downloads window a while in, and saw this:

27.3 Megaabytes per second.

This astonished me, especially since I normally get 2.5-4.7 MB/s on anything internet related. Then, I wondered how much bandwidth this was. It surely must've gone over my Wireless-N bandwidth, since it runs at 130 Mb/s, and it definitely must've gone over the bandwidth my ISP (Verizon in TX) serves me.

So I did a Google search to find out the speed of 27.3 MB/s in Mb/s. Here's the result and my speed next to each other:

I know; I know; the speed Windows tells me is just the limit, and not the actual connection speed. At least, that's what I interpreted.

This is astonishing, nontheless. Does anyone know how this could even happen? I'm using a TP-LINK Wireless-N card that goes up to 450 Mb/s, if that serves you any help.

Just a Glitch. I've downloaded at over 6GB/s on Steam before.

Did it actually download that fast, or was it a false speed displayed?

That happened to me too while downloading Titanfall Beta with that same exact wifi card. Strange

just origin being broken, it's not actually downloading that fast

but it did, i downloaded it in 20 minutes (12gb) and have over 5hrs on Titanfall and have had no problems

It may have downloaded quickly, but it would be physically impossible to download THAT fast.

>12GB in 20 minutes 

>600 per minute


More than double what you are supposed to have, yes. But not the 27 it claimed. Adjusting that for any error in the time it took to actually download, it could be reasonable. 

Ah. That'd make sense. It looks like Origin and EA actually has someone smart handling their software. Thanks for explanation. I was very curious.

Thats the space the game will take up not the actual size that you are downloading. Origin is messed up :P