Some issues that cause stutters in different games

Good evening everyone :)

So recently I have arranged my new pc - ( HDD is 5years old as I recycled from my old premade pc ). Bought all parts from vendors in my country with all papers and warranties. Put everything together using guides from the internet, doing it carefuly, step by step. Installed windows 7, other software and everything seemed to be okay (y) no hiccups. Installed lates 15.7 Catalyst with latest AMD drivers for R9 380 from AMD site. But when I started playing games sh*t gone wrong...and thats what bothers me.

Right now I have only 5 games installed, because others are still downloading and with my internet speed it will take long >.< but here what happens when I play


Cruised around town in a car. Had some car accidents.
Everything on very high, except
Grass quality normal
Post fx high
Reflection quality high
MSAA turned off
FXAA turned on
VSYNC turned on

All advanced graphics are turned off
DirectX 11 1080p Fullscreen

Crysis 3.

The beggining of the game. First mission. Ran around, killed some enemies with a bow

Everything is on low
AA is turned off

Witcher 3.

Cruised around with a Roach, killed some wolves

Everything is on high in graphics
Postprocessing elements are turned on

SSAO, Sharpening is on low
AA turned on
Frame limit 60
Guy in forums advised me to set it on borderless window and vsync off, so I did that.


Right after the attack of Alduin. Hung around in dungeons. Killed some stormcloacks. Picked some locks.
Everything is maxed out, except MSAA is only 2x

Metal Gear Rising Revengeance.

Second mission. Killed some npcs, destroyed a chopper, just ran around.
Everything is maxed out, except MSAA is only 2x

So the story began like that. I installed GTA V first. In first mission when robbing a bank, everything was silky smooth and nice. Then when stealing cars as Franklin, everything was good aswell, but as soon as I started free roaming, stutters started to happen. I started monitoring my game with MSI Afterburner and saw graphs like below... Sometimes game stuttered with fps drop, sometimes not, but most of the time all the stuttering and frametime spike was at the same time when voltages, core clocks, gpu and cpu usage dropped. At first I thought it was patchs fault, as Ive read in forums that patch caused some stuttering...okay with that. I could wait for a new patch to come..

But as soon as I started playing other games same sh*t happened... in Witcher3 frametimes where still spiking causing some microstutters. Skyrim had same story, MGR Revengeance had same story, Crysis 3 aswell. I even tried tweaking my graphics setting, but that didnt work... stutters still were there.
Tried updating MoBo BIOS, everything gone well, but stutters still kept bothering me. Turned off all possible backround problems , set high priority in task manager - nothing helped.

CPU settings in BIOS are all at stock, GPU isnt overclocked aswell ( I tried to overclock it, but I only managed to reach 1020Mhz core clock stable and 1035Mhz clock with +10mV, so I decided to keep it at stock for a while ). I almost always kept monitoring my systems vitals and never seen temps go above 60C on cpu and 65C on gpu.

Maybe its my old HDD causing some stutters, as its pretty old (5years or maybe even 6 ) ???

I thought it may be my monitor that caused stuttering as I use it with DVI-D to VGA adaptor. I connected my full hd TV via HDMI cable to my pc and played witcher 3, crysis 3 and gta V for some time...Unfortunately no luck with that :(
I also tried disabling vsync, but it didnt help aswell T.T
Also reinstalled fressh version of drivers - still no luck

Maybe anyone has an idea whats happening with my system? What can be wrong? Is there any ways of fixing it? Or I just should RMA one or another part, because its faulty?
It seems like I put all the monitoring information that is commonly asked, but if you need some further information write it down and I will give it.

I bought my last pc premade from the shop and wasnt very concerned about its performance and part. I was just happy that I could play games. And this one is my first self built pc and its kinda sad, that somethings wrong with it...So I hope for community's help in this problems salvation :)

Any help appreciated
Thank you in advance :)

Your links aren't working.

fixed , sorry for that

The way the GPU Usage is flyinga round is not normal, not sure what is causing it, but it ain't normal. The usage should not jump from 100 to 0 in a matter of seconds multiple times like that.

If you want to see if it's the HDD, open up Resource Manager and see if the HDD is being maxed out at all, I doubt it is though.

Another thing I would try is lowering the settings, maxing out a game on a shiny new rig might seem like a good idea, but sometimes... not so much.

Random, nonsensical stab in the dark time - I want to say bitcoin miner malware programmed to only run at the same time as games. Adjusts tinfoil hat

I would format the drive about 3times and then try reinstalling windows. Or buy a new drive and install windows.

I think you are having some software issues.

You could try this

Follow the steps to uninstall the old Drivers and reinstall drivers. This may fix you issue also

Yeah... cough pirating games is a bad idea cough

I used resource monitor on HDD and when I played there were spikes when HDD was 100proc used. What does that mean?

Does it stay 100% after loading? If it does it means that you are offloading the stuff that should be on the RAM into the HDD, which is really really bad., it just spikes. Goes all the way up and then back to normal

Hmm, not sure then. It's very strange, that's all I know. Might want to do a clean OS install, a true clean OS install, and see what happens.

I will definitely try this option as soon as I will get my new HDD :D
Btw, maybe you could list me few older catalyst versions? The ones that were before catalyst 15.7
Gonna try switching some drivers, maybe this will help

Uhh, google?

I'd put my money on it being the HDD in some way. Whether it is or not, get a new drive ASAP, reusing a 5 year old drive on a decent build like that is a recipe for trouble, and statistically sooner than later. These are open world games which need to stream in content and textures nearly nonstop, I think a modern healthy drive is a good place to start.

Also are you downloading these games legitimately, because I think we're all thinking the same thing, possible malware of some sort.

I will get new hdd on frinday or saturday :) I hope it will be good
and games are legitimate as much as physx on amd >.<