Some Help With A Build

So I plan on building a brand new Gaming PC this year. I want to know what I should look into.


I'd like at least 8 GB of DDR3 RAM. I need a decent CPU that can run game like APB Reloaded or GTA IV/V with decent performance while running Skype, Steam and occasionally Google Chrome in the background. 

The GPU needs to get me decent FPS (at-least around 80) on games like the ones listed above, and Minecraft too. Liquid cooling for the CPU would be nice, but fans work too. Recommend thermal paste as needed, please.

I'd like a 1 TB or larger HDD. No SSDs, however. All of this for at or a little above $800 USD. I don't need any external products, like Keyboards, or Mice. Thanks.

If you need anymore info, let me know. 


Here is these that my friend made too, all for around $500 or less.


Opinions on these would be nice, too.



all 3 of those are pretty sloppy, and none of them are worth a glance if your budget is $800. let me put one together for you real quick. you mentioned needing 80 FPS min. what monitor do you have? this is what I've put together, changing some of your stuff. You always want at least 2 sticks of RAM to take advantage of dual channel. And I changed your case so you could actually fit that 760 in there. Changed your psu to a better known brand, and it's semi modular to help with cable management. And I chose a better brand HDD too. Only things I changed, didn't see if there were any better deals as far as mobo and gpu, but I got you going on a better track.

^ What he said.

although, you still Have $70 left. you could...

-Bump the CPU up to an 8320 +36

-Bump the CPU up to an 8350 (put you at about $810)

-Bump the GPU up to a GTX 770 +60

-swap the WD Blue for a WD Black


many choices.

Or get a better quality mb 990x evo  990fx by asus.

Exact same build as ManBullMoose, except with a different motherboard and GPU, and still coming in under $800 USD:

If you don't mind going a little over ($821 USD):

A little above that one ($851 USD):

Any of the three would serve you well.



yeah, I'll back that M5A99FX. I have that board and love it. I mainly kept his board because it was a bit cheaper and I found that nice inexpensive set of ram that matched the color. But he can go with either of those and have a nice gaming rig.

+1 on these builds

nobody else a bit concerned with the PSU? I normally leave at least 100w overhead... otherwise yea, great builds

Well with a VGA I could use my TV, so I'm not very worried about that, it would be more viable anyway since I rarely use it for anything besides PCs and Consoles anyway, I very seldom watch Television.

This looks amazing, I don't see anything here that needs to be taken out, however as the comment below explains I might use some of that extra money and upgrade a few of the parts, more than likely the HDD.

Thank you. Glad I could help man. And by all means throw that extra cash wherever you please.

so, again, why do you need 80FPS? lol 

your tv can only handle 60 fps.