Some advice

Im currently looking into the possibility of completely replace my 10000000000 of different PCs for different tasks, e.g. work, gaming, facebooking, chillaxing, not forgetting porn. The possibility im looking into is doing a KVM host machine using hardware passthrough, actually found a descent guide for how to.
My question is, should i just cash out and sell my kidney for a intel XEON, or await for AMDs ZEN processor?, since my real problem at the moment really is cores.
From what i saw sofar ZEN is going to be a real competitor to anything intel has, not to mention mantle, dx 12 and all that noise.

Wait. Even if Zen is delayed (which we do no hope) you can still go for a Xeon.

My thought was waiting until Zen and dx12 has been released to totally replace my computers, and some benchmarks has been released.
It will be a wierd transition though seeing sofar ive allways been a intel/nvidia fan boy, but having tried a AMD A10 7850k running mantle, im sold, AMD really has got a hold of the right end of the stick. Its just some crazy performance for no money.
And with the ipc increase for zen not to mention "hyperthreading", at 4-8 cores it really would be a nice solution, but knowing AMD and their talent for lets call it taking the easy way out, i wanna see some numbers to avoid another FX fiasko.

I would wait just to see what is being offered... Right now we can only speculate what Zen will bring and hopefully it offers a lot. But again, once they are released we can make educated decisions on our purchases.

Glad to hear it, though i don't like fanboyism (I dont consider myself to be one though i do lean towards AMD just based on their business practices compared to the competition).