[SOLVED]Windows10 Anniversary nuked my linux partition table

A LUKS encrypted Volume ? I will definitely give that a try then, since overwriting more than the drive header usually spells doom...

I font know about luks encryption. Do your trades rich first. I don't mess with encrypted volumes at this time.

I face the exact same problemā€¦
Could you please describe in detail how you did this? i am afraid i will delete my data, or i make my distro unable to ever boot againā€¦
What do you mean create a new partition, in the place of the old? Could you explain this process a bit more? I also use elementaryos, and below is the output of what gparted shows in my pc, when i booot with a live cd

Man, been so long. So much trial and error. From what I remember you should just create an ext4 partition in the unallocated space where your 68.85gb partition used to be. I since stopped putting windows and linux on the same drives. Hope you figure(d) it out. Sorry it took so long to get back with you.

Just donā€™t delete the extended partition that contains your swap partition. Bad idea.

Looks like it has been solved, so Iā€™m just going to close it.

If you would like it reopened, just let me or any other Leader/Mod know.