[SOLVED] Snapper Errors [BTRFS] - Can't Configure or Create Snapshots

I am currently creating a bunch of bash script that I will use as a Arch-Suite, and i thought it would be good if they are all separate from each other, so that I can check on them individually easier, and upgrade the code if so be and needed.

It’s about 20 separate repo’s that I am writing basically at the same time. . . Well, I go back and forth on them and rewrite them, in order to use them individually and as a group.

It’s bash script, so it’s quite easy to follow, and I have already completed a small chunk of them, but at the moment it’s the “bash.backup” repo that I have the most problem with. "/ The script works, at least one part of it, I haven’t tested the other one yet, since I have to delete the test VM that I’m using for the moment to test the scripts while creating them.

bash.backup :
Is a backup tool installer and configurator, or at least that’s the point of it. When started, it updates grub & btrfs to the latest version, creates a grub backup file and then you are asked if you want to install either Snapper or Timeshift, and then it exports the package list snapper.txt or timeshift.txt to packages.txt , and downloads another script I wrote earlier today from another repo, bash.pkmgr (package manager & package installer), that starts of by installing yay, paru & flatpak, and then update the system with all package managers available on the system ( expected to be Pacman, Yay, Paru & Flatpak), and then shows the current versions of them when the system update is complete, then it starts to install packages from “packages.txt” that is placed in a folder in the home folder named order_66. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

After the install, bash.backup continues to check if snapper or timeshift is installed, and configures it thereafter. Creates a default configuration and creates the systems very first snapshot, or that’s what it’s supposed to do. . . "/ After that grub creates a new config, and the script shuts down.

Maybe a reboot fixes it, but this is some pictures of it, and at the bottom you’ll see the error outputs. I however noticed that .snapshots is in “/ .snapshots”, and not “/.snapshots” Don’t know why there’s a space there. "/

Rebooted, and checked the file system.


I am unable to figure out what’s going on here,
is anyone else able to figure it out or help me at least?



sudo umount /.snapshots/

sudo rm -r /.snapshots/

sudo mkdir /.snapshots

sudo snapper -c root create-config /

sudo mount -a

Here’s the result.

You can use [bash.backup](GitHub - Querzion/bash.backup: Snapper Backup tool configuration.)

If you want to quickly install Snapper / Timeshift yourself.