The command is wrong. It should be chown -R user:group.
You want to run it on contents of where the filesystem is mounted. Not on the device itself. Is it mounted? Does something resembling the device show up if you run mount or lsblk ?
You can run sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mount_path to mount it if needed. Anything written to /mount_path should go on the new disk.
The username:username did work, when I run "groups" in terminal I get " my username ... .... " and the rest of them. But you are correct in saying username:group , it just happens the group is the same on default Ubuntu install.
So I was trying to put my steam games on this secondary ssd. Even after running chown, steam was complaining that it was read only, even with chown. So I had to add the ssd to the fstab with the options "rw, users,exec,auto" and now it works!