Hello i just built everything here and now I get a q-code 99.
Anybody know what is it about?
more information could be very handy...
Oh sorry about that.
Me and my friend built his new rig, we connected everything, did the wiring and etc.
When we turn the PC on it doesnt boot, but it turns on and check for errors.
The thing is he did the wiring and forgot to plug the pump of his h100i on his PSU, when we turned the pc on.
His mobo is like mine an ROG asus maximus formula 6.
I think it is very unlikely that he fried his cpu due to this mistake, because this mobo turns off when it hits high temps, and it didnt boot at our first attempt
The specs of his rig is
Maximus Formula 6
8GB corsair vengeance 2133
Gtx 770 Direct CU
A 760w psu from corsair that i dont remember the name
120 SSD
1 TB HD Baracuda 64mb cache
Corsair h100i
Also I forgot to mention that we cant check that now because we sent the PC to an IT to get a full check.