[SOLVED]Proxmox VE 7 PCI Passthrough

Hello Level1. Its been awhile.

Had an issue with my Proxmox 6 server. During an upgrade to 7 I have no idea what happened but proxmox got completely uninstalled from the system, Wasn’t able to reinstall it so a fresh install was needed.

Installed the latest version of proxmox onto the system. pve-manager/7.0-11/63d82f4e

Server runs 3 VM’s
XOA(For my XCP-NG Server)

Quadro p400 is to be passed through to PLEX for transcoding

IOMMU enabled on systemd. GPU has been assigned to the VM. PCI has been stubbed, Driver in use is VFIO.

On the VM. NVIDIA driver installed. Nouveau and Readon has been added to the black list.

nvidia-smi returned. No devices were found.

lspci -nnv showed driver in use is nvidia.

Not sure what was done wrong or to why it is not listing the device.

Anyone had this issue before?


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Did you fix your issue and if yes how? I am also trying a PCI-E passthrough on Proxmox 7 and am experiencing issues. I wonder if this is something that may be useful to me…

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I did. Error was showing memory issues when mapping it. required some boot flags to get it to work.

quiet intel_iommu=on iommu=pt textonly video=astdrmfb video=efifb:off