So I've heard, that there's a program, that write4s a report of programs, that are launched while booting. I didn't know, how to google such program either.
I'd like to find such program, because my computer takes ages to boot and also after last booting I had like 5GB of RAM used, which is out of ordinary. If you can help me, it would be appreciated.
Try executing "msconfig" in a run command, and check the tab "Startup". This should give you a general overview of what is launched/executed when your OS boot.
You could try turning off all the programs you launch at start, and then enabling them one at a time. To figure out if it is one of those causing the problem.
Okay. I got back from school. I did some tweaking here and there. I disabled some programs and services and current boot configuration uses around 2.5GB of RAM with Skype, Spotify, Steam and some other programs on. That's probably what I initially looked for.