Hello sir/madam.
I have set up my pfsense router with alot of effort. I’m wondering why I’m not getting internet. I did the setup wizard but my server is still complaining about internet access. Can you tell me what I need to setup more?
Solution: 2 pair ethernet to 4 pair ethernet
I did the hardware stuff, I’m in the dashboard and in the “interfaces” widget the “WAN” part has an X on the right side and None and N/A. The “LAN” has an IP which I already configured
In my setup I have the motherboard ethernet port as WAN and an external ethernet card with 1 port configured as LAN
those ethernet cards are hard to get and very expensive out here.
My “WAN” had a mac address and the name re0
I had a buffalo router and nothing else. Fiber.
Contacting my ISP is the worst thing to waste time on, they usually never help or fix anything.
Well, it is still not connected. And there is still the X and N/A
You may need to call your ISP unfortunately.
I know with my ISP whenever I change routers I have to call and have them release the IP that is assigned to my router, so that the new one can get an IP. This is because my ISP is IPv4 only ( still ) and only assigns one /32 to the ONT ( the device that connects to the ISP’s fiber ) so it only has 1 address to give out. Once that address has been leased it will not give out another until the lease time is up, regardless of the state of the connection. Until I call and have them release it my router swears up and down that there is no connection. The only way to even tell that there is a connection is the lights on the ethernet port on the router and the ONT. The ONT also shows a 1G link.
This can vary between ISP’s, and if you want to see if this is the case you could try using the old router’s mac address on your WAN connection in pfsense.
I found some settings, maybe they can be of help? https://www.telia.fi/asiakastuki/nettiyhteydet/yleista-laajakaistayhteyksista/verkkoasetukset
and some more settings: https://www.telia.fi/asiakastuki/nettiyhteydet/yleista-laajakaistayhteyksista/laajakaistatekniikka
I just noted that I use a 2pair ethernet cable, maybe I should switch?
I switched to 4 pairs and now I got IP but my pc didn’t get internet but I reboot now…
Fixed: Changing from 2 pair ethernet cable to 4 pair between ISP provided control box to router fixed the issue
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