I recently built a system, and I am having stuttering problems when accessing files during games. Example if I am playing Skyrim and I enter a cave the system slows down to a crawl. Or COD Ghosts loading a cut scene, the cut scene is fine but afterwards when a new map loads it’s unplayable.
I have re-seated the RAM, Installed a diff power supply, and replaced the gpu, trying to figure out the problem.
Then I noticed that HWinfo was reporting the NVME SSD ( a WD Black 256 GB PCIE X4) was constantly at 73 deg C. This is at idle at game play.
Cooling — TT 360 Floe Riing plus AIO mounted on top, fans mounted in push
config as exhaust.
— 3 x 120 MM fans in front of case mounted as intake.
I first noticed it when I had HWinfo up while I was running the Heaven benchmark. So later I had HWinfo up while playing Skyrim for about 4 hours, then temp was a constant 73 deg C. Then I watch it for about another hours after while the computer was idle, no change.
Thanks for the link. Unfortunately, I did do the Firmware update as soon as I got the chance. It’s what you are supposed to do right? Keep you firmware up-to-date. So I am screwed there I guess.
The case I have is a NZXT H700i. I am using a ThermalTake Flowe Riing 360 AIO installed at the top. And 3x120MM fans at the front. But no rear exhaust. Maybe with out an air cooler i’m not getting enough air flow blowing over that localized area of the MOBO? Maybe a rear exhaust fan would help? I’ll try it when I get home.
Wow! you guys are awesome. No angry “RTFM, noob” reponses. Thank you!
Goalkeeper suggested it could be an air flow issue also. I hadn’t thought of the other slot. I’ll try moving it to the there, since it is slightly closer to the front fans and further away from my GPU.
Just be aware that other nvme slot might alter the performance a little if its through the chipset.
On most x370’s one of the nvme slots is to the cpu and the other is through the chipset.
On my case I mounted the same rad you have (minus one of the fans due to clearance issues) on the front with fans set to intake and diy’d 2 fans at the top as out takes + 1 rear fan (also out take).
I did have some trouble the first time around as I stupidly had the fans orientated the wrong way on the front mounted aio, after I had sorted that ‘rookie’ error then things turned epic.
So the controller of an SSD is what you want to cool. The actual memory on the SSD needs to be hot or it doesn’t work correctly. Though I would think 73 is a bit… much.
It was an air flow problem. There was NO airflow in that area of my case. I thought with 3x120mm fans in the front (running at 100%), that would not be an issue.
I installed a 140mm in the rear of the case as exhaust. The NVME temps dropped to 56 deg C according to Hwinfo and CystalDiskInfo. I ran it this way for 3 Hrs playing COD and just browsing…The hottest it got was 59C during COD
Just to see what would happen, i switched the rear fan to an intake, the NVME temps dropped to a more reasonable 48 deg C…solid even when gaming…No stuttering…SWEET!