[SOLVED] NTFS Partition Inaccessible

Hey guys!

So im running Ubuntu 16.10 and I have a windows partition on my second drive from back when I was on windows that I want to access on Linux. The issue is it does not show up, and if I go into the disks app, it shows the partition is unknown, and when I go to Gparted, it says that it is unable to detect file system. Any ideas?

Thanks guys!

That seems a little odd. What version of Windows created the partition?

Boot into wandows and run chkdsk. If you cant theres also ntfsfix.

do you have fast boot disabled in your uefi?

If it's a Windows 8 or 10 boot partition, be aware that Windows normally "hibernates" (suspends to disk) disk rather than fully shutting down. This can dramatically reduce the Windows boot time, because it basically does a resume from disk instead of a full boot.

However, it means it's unsafe for other operating systems to mount the NTFS filesystem while Windows is suspended. Recent NTFS utilities for Linux will refuse to mount a suspended NTFS.

If this is the problem, you'll have to boot into Windows and disable fast boot/suspend to disk and then shutdown. I've done this before, but can't remember the exact steps. Google will tell you... :slight_smile:

When I install Slackware it recognises windows partitions and asks me if I want to be able read/write to the windows partitions. I actually have to set that up ... I would assume it is the same for all linux distros... but you know what happens when we assume.

Haha thanks for the help guys! So dunno how, but I was messing around and some how fixed it. thanks for all the help!!!