I hadn’t been able to detect my PCIE 4.0 SSD from Kubuntu 22.04 LTS, when I attempted to install it earlier this year. I had to update the mainboards BIOS/UEFI before being able to install a distro.
@sblantipodi I guess you are trying to dual boot two different operating systems Windows and Ubuntu? Could you list what steps you did to install Ubuntu? I take it you installed Windows first?
I was using the standard installer version 23.04,
I now downloaded the legacy installer version 23.10 and it worked like a charm without additional things to do on my side or bios change.
I don’t know if it’s the legacy installer that fixed the problem or if it’s the newer version.
@sblantipodi The fact you used the legacy Installer the second time is probably the reason the second time installing Ubuntu fixed all your issue.
This morrning when I read your first post, I thought the fix for your issue was make sure you installed Windows first. I change my mind after I read an article Ubuntu had switched the installer used for Ubuntu desktop to the same one they use for Ubuntu Server. In my opinion, the install Ubuntu is going to use from now on is just one big mess. I have decieded to keep a copy of Ubuntu 22.04 ISO and a copy of Ubuntu 17.04 ISO, so when I need to install Ubuntu on a new machine, I can use the installer I like and then upgrade which ever operating system is installed to the lasest version.
@Trooper_ish my previous post had a typo, I do only use the long term supported version of Ubuntu ,except when it comes to Ubuntu Sever because I can not find Ubuntu Server 16.04 and I believe Ubuntu chanage the installer in Ubuntu Server 18.04.
When a repo gets deprecated can’t I just remove that repo and then upgrade after that?
I can’t speak to the installers, as I never needed to mess with the ones they shipped, so sorry to OP that I dragged this off topic…
With depreciated Repo’s, like we discussed in another thread, apt searches by release name, and errors when it can’t find it. You can change the name in the sources list, and also install apps/debs outside the repo package manager.
I don’t know how far back the system will work with do-release-upgrade