[SOLVED] I do not trust Microsoft and wish to move entirely to Linux

I would advice to start low level by using vm’s.
That way you could try a couple of distro’s and DE’s to figure out what your preference would be.
This would also be a good way to figure out if the software that is important to you,
have native Linux support.
Or that you have to look and search for open source alternatives.
I would not recommend Wine emulation for newbee’s.
Once you figured that all out, then it’s time to actually install linux on bare metal.
And in that case i would suggest to go with a dual boot setup.

That said, i would recommend to start with some of the bigger well known and supported distributions.

  • Ubuntu flavours.
  • Linux Mint.
  • PopOs.
  • Manjaro.
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I feel that using VM for learning linux is a good idea and way to go. It allows you to install various distro’s and learn their configuration, environment, and features. Once you decide on a distro, install it on hardware and never look back. I really enjoy using PopOS tbh for daily Internet use. I set up my crypto miners on hardware and my crypto trading accounts all in separate VM’s running PopOS. Once you get one configured, you can simply clone said machine for multiple purposes in a streamline approach which helps if you are making a VM farm. I would encourage you to explore Ubuntu and Mint, and PopOS, Manjaro, Debian, Arch even, all great distros to use. I still have so much to learn and I am finally interested in learning it, so theres tons of work to do.

I don’t trust anything that stems from Lifelog, which would be companies and prodcuts from the mainstream manufacturers: Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, etc. I would suggest you consider a new machine though, one that doesnt have blobware on it, such as Intel ME or AMD PSP. There are few companies making privacy and security based machines, and I would only recommend one of them: Puri.sm

Check out their machines as they use cpus without Intel Vpro tech, and the motherboards are custom made in state using non blob chips, as well as Puri.sm takes the time to remove binary code and install their own bios, CoreBoot. Which removes 90% of Intel ME, iirc only 7 lines of ME code are present while the hardware enabler has been disabled. System76 machines no longer use cpus that do NOT have Intel ME. Maybe their older laptops may have some ME remvoed but after my research, I find Puri.sm being the only ones who are actively removing backdoors to vaulted vulnerabilities that are used without your awareness or consent.

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Y’all check his OP

He is running arch/manjaro content and switched over it looks like.


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/thread [SOLVED]

Closed at OP’s request.