[SOLVED] How to distribute NFS from KVM host to guests?

Unfortunately, I do not know of a way, but! there was a thread on this a while back:

Note: I have not read this: https://forum.level1techs.com/t/hidden-folders-files-moving-from-linux-to-windows-or-how-to-change-dot-to-hidden-attribute/117220

NFS is faster and should be used over Samba.

That said, Samba is easier to set up and I use it over NFS. Samba is single threaded meaning it performs really poorly on higher bandwidth links (>100mbps) and low-end CPUs (like a RaspberryPi's ARM CPU or Intel's Atom series) when compared to NFS. That said, both SMB and NFS software performs terribly compared to Network-layer block transfer protocols like iSCSI or FCoE. SMB is also notorious for security vulnerabilities.

For slow links ~100mbps it should not matter, or if disc I/O limited. For anything faster, like involving faster HDDs, SSDs and Gigabit or higher networks, NFS is a better choice, albeit harder to configure.

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