Im seeing significant difference in download and ping between my linux machine and window mahine. Linux(galliumos) Ping: 15 Dl:73.76Mbps Up:12.23Mbps
Windows 10 Ping:31 Dl:19.79Mbps Up:11.21Mbps
Im a networking noob and don't know what causes/caused this discrepancy. Is my win machine compromised?
edit: ive ran speettest a few more time and it seems the download/upload speed isn't consistant on the window machinee.g. sometimes i get 60Mbps(rare)dl, mostly around 18 - 20Mbps dl and sometimes as low as 4 - 8Mbps dl. On the other hand the the linux machine stayed around 60 - 75Mbp constantly and occasionallyl dipped to 50Mbps.
edit: i manage to solve the problem. I basically had to change the power plan to high performance from balanced, now im getting similar result to the linux machine.
edit:I thought this thread might be helpful for other people so added a , can mods delete if they think its better to delete please.
I thinkt that there has been a recent update that messed up some of the networking in Windows10 or something like that.
Anyways open a command screen.
in the search typ cmd. then firstly try to release and renew your network connection. typ: ipconfig /release hit enter. then: ipconfig /renew hit enter.
Check if that made any changes to your download speed. I had somebody last week with a similar issue.
If that doesnt fix it, then it might have something to do with global autotune profile.
In that case try:
Go to cmd again. typ: netsh interface tcp set global autotuning=normal hit enter.
Then an "OK" message should appear. Then close the command screen, and try if that fixes your download speed issues.
I had similar issues last year with Windows7. In the end it turned out that the global autotune profile was the issue on my end. Of course idk if that is also a thing with windows10. But you can allways give it a try.
On Intel NIC, forget the WHQL drivers, they are borked and have been borked for years. Get the drivers from your system OEM or from Intel directly. Intel has not been fixing its drivers for years, they just want the power consumption benchmarks, not actual functional hardware. To get actual functional hardware, you have to use the old drivers with disabled power management, or use open source drivers. On Linux, there is no reduced performance, but you can get occasional freezes on certain Intel CPU's unless you disable power states higher than c_state=1 if you don't want that. Intel has not fixed this in over 5 years and 5 generations of products, so it's pretty safe to assume they are never going to fix it. Problem on Windows is that Microsoft will overwrite the manually installed drivers from time to time, unless you block the Intel driver update with a command line fix that's documented on a old post on the forum somewhere, but also on the MSKB (easy to search in MSKB for block intel driver update or something along those lines).
are you implying that its normal to see this sort of discrepancy ? Im mainly worried that my window machine has been compomised as i use it quiet often to shop online and login to social medias.