[SOLVED]Friend's Build, Need input!

Okay so here is the deal, a friend of mine and I are liberating another friend from the console platform and we convinced him to purchase a computer. Here is his build http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3mxCa

He is a cheap Little Bastard so I purchased his HDD and my friend is giving him a PSU. I am a little worried the PSU might struggle in the Built, theoretically it should be around 150W to 200W power draw at max load. He is not going to overclock he wouldn't have the slightest clue. It is a 350W PSU and seems to be stable for 286W or 80%

Here is a picture of the PSU specs:

The PSU came from an ASUS Essentio M11BB-B07 Link


Thanks for any advice you guys can offer me.

I personally wouldnt trust it and would go for something around 450wtt to push everything and has a 80+ certification.

Yeah I really wanted him to go with a more stable PSU but, I doubt he will want to spend another $30 to $50 on a PSU. He didn't even want to buy the wireless card that raised the build by $11. Any suggestions that wont be too expensive?

How much is he trying to spend? and tell him quality is everything in PC's. That 350 psu might boot the rig but wont be enough really push everything or it might give out really early and he will have to spend more. He buys something new and good he will have a warranty.

Well so far he has spent about $620. If we can find a good quality PSU for $30 then he might be satisfied.

You can show him this but from the reviews the cables might be a bit short



Check here for some really good sales on PC parts.  Maybe you can save money on other parts and invest in a better power supply.  The PSU that edub430 shared may cut it.  Although I wouldn't recommend something that's not at least 80+ Certified.  

This is a solid PSU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139026 Sometimes it might be as low as $20 on sale.  It's from corsair but it's not really their best series.  It will cut it though.  

If you want to spend a tad bit more on a better unit, get this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817182199 ,  There is a $10 MIR and a %15 promo code.  

yea that 30 limit is whats killing me but the corsair one will cut it and so will the antec the 80+ certification just shows that its more efficient but shop around and see if you can find better deals for sure and the psu isnt something that should be skimped on a build


I think he would be fine spending around $40-$50 He was looking to buy at our local best buy but they don't look like they have the greatest build quality. Some are kind of over priced. Thank you all for your input.

I quickly put this together and for 56$ more its way better than that garbage, including monitor, wifi adpater, and Logitech's cheapest keyboard (who needs gaming keyboards?) http://pcpartpicker.com/parts/partlist/ 


Tell me, which parts has he purchased already if any?

Well he has purchased everything already and he is determined on receiving this machine. The only thing we really need is the PSU I suggested this to him do you think this will suffice? LINK

NO! Nothing good can come out of a Raidmax PSU,  They are just garbage.  Stay within: Corsair, XFX, Seasonic, Antec, Rosewill, OCZ, Cooler Master, and those good brands.  The PSU is a part you DO NOT want to skimp on.  A cheap PSU could take it your whole system if it fails.  

Like i said before the PSU is something thats going to take money cant skimp on it nothing good will come of it in the long or short term.

It should be able to handle the system, but don't try to overclock. If you really want to use dat PSU, go with a reference 750 Ti that doesn't have 6-pin power.

I should probably update this. My buddy decided to go for a CX430 his build has been running very smooth for about a week now, no hiccups.