(Solved)Best internal pc wireless adapter for $50 range?

There arent any oldschool pci slots on my new mb so I have to upgrade my adapter. Suggestions, my Tek brothers and sisters?

I don't have any particular hardware recommendations, but PLEASE don't do like my friend did and accidentally buy a wireless G adapter...

Make sure its 802.11n (802.11ac if you have an ac router) and make sure its got drivers for Linux if that matters to you.


simple buy the intel one that does what you need

what ever you do intel just intel don't buy anything that aint intel


  1. intel  do the checksum right so dosen't resend packet like most other do
  2. no driver issue that will freeze you pc like Broadcom ... fresh window crashing and freezing 2 minutes after you load a new os  is kind of a pain when the driver take from 5 to 10 to install
  3. no driver that are for the right part but still aren't consider compatible like Atheros ... it's in the support list for that part but it's not for that part is really aggravating
  4. it's good quality will last for ever
  5. it's not over priced like a killer nic plus it doesn't have funny qos that will lag everything that ain't gaming related like wtf

I need a WIRELESS network adapter $50 range, either usb or one that will fit in the small pci slots and can connect to both N and AC. I need recommendations, and if it isnt possible, then maybe jump up to $75 at the most. I rather get something that will work well and last a long time, than get junk. The help will be really appreciated guys. As of right now I have no convenient way to hook my main rig to the internet. 

not a lot of Intel options that will work with my motherboard as far as wireless goes.


Intel 7260HMWDTX1 Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 PCIe plus Bluetooth 4.0 AC1200 Wireless adapters


what do you mean intel doesn't have anything? intel has exactly what you want they sell laptop wifi module on with a pci-e 1x adapter if you don't have a pci-e 1x on a new board (pci-e 1x can be slotted in any pci-e  even a 16x video card slot) i reall question your board choices

(link has the out of stock item just because it had the pictures you can see the link for the newer version once your there)

Throwing it out as a option. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813995032&cm_re=gigabyte_wifi-_-13-995-032-_-Product Oh! Here is a newer version of that intel option. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833106251

Already ordered the Gigabyte one earlier. I didnt say that they don't have any , just not a lot. I had skimmed over their selection and seen the out of stock one, and the rest were laptop variants. Unfortunately, the newer version of the out of stock one had a laptop variant picture. Thats why I didn't think it was right. Oh well. The Gigabyte one is already on it's way, and I managed to be under budget. If it works right and fast, then I saved twenty bucks to put somewhere else. 

Let me know how that gigabyte one works out. Thinking about putting one in my htpc.