It that time of year to do some GPU shopping. I've been looking around at different GPU's wondering what the best 1440p card would be. I would like to keep the price tag under $500 but I the main point here is performance, I want a card that will last, and perform well.
I would like to avoid NVIDIA due to the recent hardware bugs, but could it still be worth moving back to a 780ti?
The R9 290X is an option, but I have heard the drivers are a bit wonky at times and the card does not overclock well. And can be a bit of a power hog.
Although I have not been PC gaming for long I have always used AMD and the 7870 and now the 290 I have had zero issues with crashing or BSOD. A few small glitches along the way usually because I did not update cleanly.
Yeah, one of the reasons I like to keep on a "older" card is because the drivers and stability are a ton better. Most of the bugs have been squashed. I almost jumped on a 970 but with the memory bug I have trust issues with NVIDIA.
Longevity? Well GPUs are only going to get more effecient unless you're planning on Crossfire. But I understand going to something quieter and modular.
But I'm checking out the RM's now. I think maybe 1000W is overkill. Maybe go with 750W instead? I like the extra headroom, might throw another GPU later. or just more things in general.