[SOLVED] Ax370 gaming 5(F40 bios) wont boot from m.2

Hello, I’m quite frustrated atm, so please excuse my grammar. I’ve been trying to install win 10 on a samsung 970 evo and every time i try to install windows it says “windows cannot be installed to this disk this computer’s hardware may not support booting this disk”. I don’t know what to do because every time I disable csm in my bios it turns back on after saving and restarting, and to add to this problem I don’t know how to clear secure boot keys on my motherboard as there is no option for that. I’m pretty sure it’s not a gpu issue either because I have an rx 580, which to my knowledge supports UEFI boot. Any suggestions?

Update the bios to the latest
F50a 2019/11/27

also factory default the board and clear the cmos

I assume everything is showing up in bios correctly

Yeah, the mobo is recognizing the 970, i just did everything you said and it still won’t keep csm off. tbh I’m about done with this pos thats been nothing but problems.

Was the 970 used before, do you have any other drives in the system? Is the drive off the cpu or chipset?

Yeah, It was in another rig and I know that it works, but it wasn’t the boot drive. I pulled all other drives from the system before trying to install it onto this ssd. I’m going to go try in another rig with an m.2 slot and see what happens.

Have you formated the drive prior to moving it? Was it encrypted before?

I formatted it in the windows installation tool.

Was it encrypted before?


latest firmware on drive? would probably do a format outside of installer.

I didn’t update the firmware, but formatting it with a diff rig fixed it. Thanks for the help

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