Software to simulate / model basic electronic circuits (preferably Linux)?

I’ve been helping a friend rewire a vintage motorcycle recently and it’s been a great deal of fun. I’m well used to making my own Ethernet cables, so all the cutting and crimping of the wiring loom was easy enough (soldering wasn’t too hard either even though I’m still a noob) but where I was really facing an uphill battle was understanding the basics of how the loom works… what needs a connection to ground, what needs a permanent or switched live etc… It’s was difficult understanding how and why everything was connected the way it was, when the wiring loom was a ancient rats nest before we started work on it.

I’m a very visual learner so I was wondering, is there any kind of application out there in which I can simulate and test basic circuitry?

Linux is preferred but if I have to hold my nose and boot my Windows install, I will.

Give Fritzing a try. Is what I liked :smiley: I had to see the electrons