Software Pick of the Week | fuzzy wuzzy waz a finder?!

I constantly come across projects that are interesting and want to share, so here’s the first ! A cool looking Resource Monitor called basTop !

Here’s a screenshot of the software I just installed :


Easy to use, with a game inspired menu system.
Fast and “mostly” responsive UI with UP, DOWN keys process selection.
Function for showing detailed stats for selected process.
Ability to filter processes.
Easy switching between sorting options.
Send SIGTERM, SIGKILL, SIGINT to selected process.
UI menu for changing all config file options.
Auto scaling graph for network usage.
Shows message in menu if new version is available
Shows current read and write speeds for disks
Multiple data collection methods which can be switched if running on Linux

Stop by the github page and give it a look !


Software Pick of the Week.

Sounds great!

And yes, bashtop. Quite a neat tool. Not sure how well it’d fit into my workflow though.


Oh, and there is a python port; bpytop. @freqlabs posted it a little while ago, and now I was like this BashTOP seems really familiar.


I think anyone new to linux could find this helpful, many of use to further understand how to use a particular command/function need to see it it action. In comes tldr !

A very fast implementation of tldr in Rust: Simplified, example based and community-driven man pages.

Here are some examples !

I’m resurecting this Nekro for a cool app for all the new pipewire users out there !

Helvum !

Helvum is a GTK-based patchbay for pipewire, inspired by the JACK tool catia.

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Start of the week ! So new software pick !

If you are tired of sharing your personal email with Big Box Reward Cards, or Website sign on? This very cool plug in helps.

Firefox Relay lets you generate email aliases that forward to your real inbox. Use it to hide your real email address and protect yourself from hackers and unwanted mail. Firefox Relay helps you protect your real email address — the one most closely tied to your online identity. It lets you generate unique, random aliases you can use to sign up for accounts, apps, or newsletters, and forwards messages to your real address. If you find that an account is sending unwanted email or spam, you can block the alias and it will stop sending email to your inbox. Once you no longer want an account, you can delete the alias.

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Another week, another Software Pick !


A browser based Photoshop Clone for those quick edits, or for paid memebers more features. Really nice for those who are on Linux and are too acustomed to the Photoshop tool and are missing the time to convert to GIMP or find it lacking.

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It’s the end of the week, but it’s an important tool. Yes it’s online and not Linux specific but nevertheless important.

Super cool tool by Troy Hunt. Check to see if your email has been on pasted or has appeared on datbases of hacked websites.

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This week’s pic is for the programmers ! You can’t remember those obscure functions or key strokes with some software while cross developing your programs? Need a cheat sheet?

  ___| |__   ___  __ _| |_   ___| |__ \ \      The only cheat sheet you need    
 / __| '_ \ / _ \/ _` | __| / __| '_ \ \ \     Unified access to the best       
| (__| | | |  __/ (_| | |_ _\__ \ | | |/ /     community driven documentation   
 \___|_| |_|\___|\__,_|\__(_)___/_| |_/_/      repositories of the world

Well, I got you covered ! You can :


Just nee to know how to quit vim ? NP ! :partying_face:



Don’t remember how to iterate over a dict in python?




Happy Holidays Everyone !

Here is a video of aafire A direpit in the terminal for those of you who can’t have a fire pit or fireplace.

This is running in a Docker container through podman

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It’s been a long time, but I have a Software pick of the week this week every terminal user should learn and use.

It fzf

An absolute BEAST of a program and it’s usefulness is incredible.

Here are some fun commands to try :

Open the file you selected in fzf preview, then open it with vim or delete it

ls -a | fzf --preview 'cat {}' \
--bind 'ctrl-o:execute(vim {})' \
--bind 'ctrl-d:execute(rm -i {})'

Exclude certain directories from the search:

find . -not -path "*/node_modules/*" | fzf

Post your fav fzf commands !

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fzf is the shit. Best use I suggest is to replace your normal shell history search with it, that part is linked on their sites.

I also like something like smart cd for when you’re hopping around a system a lot to do your work.

Pretty much anywhere you’re writing any cli tool that needs to pass a bunch of options to the user, fzf is a great tool to reach for. It works for menus, for listing items, searching, and more. Super super useful.

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fzf is a great tool, that preview with cat and ls was a game changer for me. binding keys to allow to open and delete files was absolutely incredible.

Oh, where do I even begin?

Tmux Session Manager

tmux-sessionizer · GitHub

shell history

aws profile selector


#!/usr/bin/env bash

aws configure list-profiles | fzf

alias awsp="export AWS_PROFILE=\$(_awsp)

kubernetes namespace selector
kubernetes context selector

Off the top of my head

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First and foremost, @SgtAwesomesauce It’s great to see, hear from you. Been a while !

I was going to test today if I could use it with Spokeo or other tools to inspect OCI container images. Maybe see if I can make use of it with systemd-nspawn and machinectl

Glad to see you again as well, took a bit of a hiatus to handle some life stuff.

fzf is just great. anything that combines listing with operations or selections can be done with fzf.

Basically, fzf takes in newline separated entries and spits out your selection. That makes it easy to do something like systemctl restart $(systemctl list-units | awk ' { print $1} '| fzf)



It is a shame it has taken me 7yrs, to sit down and say “Damn it all, I must learn what my tools do” ! I’m having tons of fun.

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Back in the day, bash one liners was the fastest way to do things. Still is sometimes, but many times, the work has been done in small python scripts and uploaded to gists. So now people have less incentive.

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