SOCOM, Anyone?

Well.... Anyone when I can, wanna get on PS3 And come play some SOCOM Confrontation with me? I've been wanting to check this game out for a while, but we're apparently waiting for a harddrive in the mail due to our PS3 Harddrive being packed up, but I'm sure it won't be a problem with the 250GB Coming soon.

If you're interested, send a friend invite to 'niaruru'.

You can say whatever you want about the graphics, but the gameplay in SOCOM has always been pretty great, so you can't say anything against that.

meh i dont do console games sorry

i would, but then again if i bought a console it would be a 360

I don't base my opinions on "Well I wouldn't get it, because it's "

I'm willing to get any if there is a game I'm interested in / Want to get.

I always say be a fan of games, not the system it's on.

If you're looking at consoles, PS3 ftw.

I mean, MGS4. And 5 and 6.


What more could you ask for?

And dont give me shit about it going to be ported to the three six, It would never happen

And even if you did, Have fun being a floating mustache.


Dang, I remember the times when I was playing it on PSP... Was like, playing it really serious, with one of the best online clans. It was awesome.