So.. what metal song are you listening to right now?

Just saw these guys with Skeletonwitch the other night.

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Sounds like a good show!

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It was really fun. Down here in Florida so it was hella hot and sticky in the pit.

I haven’t been to a show in a few years… nothing good comes through where I’m at, and if anything even close does, it’s a 45 minute drive each way and on a weekday. One of the few reasons I miss the Twin Shitties.

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Are you out in the sticks?

In a town of ~7000, near a college town, but a ways from any large city. That should all change in about a year.

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Good, go to somewhere with moar metal. I’m glad I live close to Tampa.

My hope is to wind up back in my homeland of forests and mountains (the PNW).

For now, listening to some of our local culture :wink:

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Shes pretty good (yeah its not really metal… but you know… i posted to the wrong thread)

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That’s actually pretty cool. I don’t usually like cover versions especially of the original is good, but this is pretty cool…

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I thought it was pretty well done, sometimes they work really well. i think it works when they change the type of music is was and actually have more than just a guitar :stuck_out_tongue:

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I like stuff like this since I can work and listen, where as stuff like Slayer just doesn’t drone out as well. Anyone got similar stuff?

When I’m active listening I like stuff similar to:

NSFW Warning

Try Lustre, Summoning… Uhh… I’ll come up with some more later.

Maybe Caladan Brood.

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I’m not a black metal fan, so I can’t provide any personal suggestions, but here’s encyclopedia metallum’s suggestions:

the full Yob album is available !!!
HQ Playlist
